Friday, January 2, 2009

Things I want to do in Life

Rewind several years...

I sit in my kitchen chair sipping soup and as my friend Mari sits on the couch sipping soup. We pull out our lists and start read...

"Learn Spanish"
"Take an IQ test"

and the list goes on. We read to each other the list of things we want to do sometime, anytime, in our lifetime. We steal from each other, and add things we HAVE done to our list just to cross them off.

It's been about 6 years since we discovered be both had similar lists. With the start of a new year of course we all do something that makes us feel like there might be something different ahead. We take stalk, we look back. Some of us make resolutions, some of us make broad promises to ourselves that Something is going to change, or that we'll eat more fruits and veggies...

Whatever the case to start out my new year, I took down my 2008 work of art. No one has seen it. It was hidden behind a large piece of fabric so it looked like I had a wall hanging. Behind the fabric was a large piece of paper from ceiling to floor painted, pasted, drawn on, and written on with a summery of my 2008 started back in July. Every so often I would take down the fabric, spend a few hours detailing some of my life, and then staring at it for awhile.

It is not finished.
But I guess that is what life is like. Something else always comes along before we are ready for it. We tend to cling to what we had rather than embrace what is before us. So with that in mind....I took down my collage. I think it helped me heal what needed to be healed, it helped me grasp hope and express magic. So even if it isn't quite finished...maybe it is? But in any case it's a new year and I'm tired already of 2008.

So now I have started Sticky Tac-ing new pictures, items, and words to my now bare wall. A new year with the bold words I once doodledin American History class during a lecture:
I have shuffled this phrase from place to place over the years.
And among my papers I also ran across my life list...
So Cheers to 2009 and something NEW and BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL and full of GRACE...

Here are the first 41 from my list (I have 105) any new suggestions...? I'll publish the rest later.

1.Pierce my nose (I changed my mind I want my eyebrow done)----Check!
2.Teach Drivers Ed
3. have a Garden
4.learn how to run a soundboard
5.learn clarinet
6.learn car basics
7. visit every continent
8.teach high school
9.teach college
10. Write a children's book
11. Get a shutter Camera----check!
12. Read War and Peace
13.take a picture that's published somewhere all the books I own utopia
16.Learn Italian
17. Get my masters
18.Use a potters wheel
19. Go rock Climbing---check!
20. Explore a cave----Check!
21. Drive a mercedes 240 DL
22.Ride in a hot air balloon
23. Find my family roots in Italy
24. See a tornado (does a wind funnel count?)
25. Go to mass at St. Perters in Italy ----Check!
26 Drive on the Autoban
27. read 100 classics
28. take a REAL IQ test
29. Visit Aushwitz
30. Visit Holocaust Museum in DC
31. Go to NYC
34. visit Nantucket island (blah...I no longer care about this)
35. Milk a goat ----Check!
36. Memorize Hebrews 11-12 and psalm 18
37. Go in a lighthouse and smell the sea air from the top -----Check!
38. Hug a redwood tree
39. Visit PE island
40. Go to Peru
41.Go horseback riding through an open field and into the woods.