Gray, boring, dull, yawing, blasé, undeveloped, unintentional, melancholy, haphazard, flippant,
casual, overcast, inactive
Inspiring isn’t?
I have spent the last few months floating along in a sort of limbo (not exactly the edge of hell type though) with the only intentional actions being:
- I make sure I have clean clothes for work
- I clean once a week
- I check out more books that I could possibly read from the library
Somewhere I lost some of my fervor for life and the magic of the little things has slowly been hazed over. I think about writing, I think about art, I think about sitting with a cup of tea and staring out the window or sending a card to my friend
…but so much of that is just like a bird that jumps out of the field and flutters in front of you and then vanishes.
Certainly I am not depressed. I am active, social, do plenty of stuff, I'm happy (though not content). It’s kinda like I’m on selective Jenny auto pilot. My brain knows I like incense so it has me light it at night. But it keeps me from writing under the influence of the smell. It knows I like chocolate pudding when I am pmsing so it has me go buy it- but I don’t pay attention to its chocolate-ness like I normally would.
Perhaps I put myself through too steep a gauntlet earlier this year in trying to figure out the answer to questions that I don’t know yet. I do that. Sometimes I say to myself when I am crying about something
“tsk- you are too intense. Stop the drama”
“But I like the intensity- it’s colorful”
“well sometimes it’s too much color”
“Impossible !” I say to myself. And I go on crying and reading and asking questions.
“This is ridiculous. GET OVER IT” because some part of me realizes that a good slap in the face is more effective than writing writing writing about something over and over again sometimes. Sometimes you just need to take a break from intensity to ENJOY the color it produces. Sometimes you just need a red balloon and a peaceful mind.
So maybe my few months of induced melancholy and a numbed mind was like my brain saying
“hello? Shut up- what you’re doing is impossible. Quite trying to be like a 70 year old sage with a 27 year old brain! It’s like trying to figure out how to do quantum physics when you can barely remember how to do long division.”
And then my brain slapped me.
And I was like
Only I didn’t know my brain was having a conversation with me and I didn’t really know I agreed with it like a little kid nodding his head in agreement because all he wanted was to get to the end of the lecture and get a red balloon.
Only I think technically- I didn’t get a red balloon cause the last few months have been a little colorless. I think my brain thought that was necessary for my mind and I should do without.
What does it know? It’s only 27?
So there you have it. Last night I went to a coffee shop and sat and read for a bit and people watched and all of a sudden my fervor returned and I thought “HEY! Where's my RED BALLOON?!”
and my mind was like "you agreed to give it up moron- your brain told you how tired it was"
and i was like "I WANT MY RED BALLOON BACK!!!" and right there in the coffee shop I slammed my book down and yelled and started pounding the table till someone brought me a red balloon and licorice tea and played some really good jazz music.
and I remembered how much I love people, and God, and reading, and learning. REALLY LOVE it.
And my brain just sighed….and was like “whatever. At least I got you to sit down for a bit.”
That’s when I concocted the whole story above -with my renewed creativity.
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