Kudos to my friend for his addition to my words about hope...
It’s just hope
Hope that kills me...
Rain comes, hope
Springs eternal and
It haunts me
‘til I die
Well that's just a little exerpt, but I wasn't sure I was allowed to post the whole thing... but I think it's pretty beautiful. And as said...usually the hope that drains so much from us, that seemingly haunts and teases, isn't really the pure kind of hope. It's garbed in our wants rather than our Saviors. Yet still...I often can't tell the difference between hope in magic or hope in selfishness.Maybe there isn't a difference. I guess I just always thought that if you have a hope that, should it come true, you feel you would be among the stars...it can't be false. Then again...whose to say what will lift us to the stars? Only God.
To pull from my quotation collection...
" I don't want whatever I want. NOBODY does. Not really. What kind of fun would it be if I just got everything I ever wanted? Just like that, and it didn't mean anything. what then? " ~Coraline , Neil Gaiman.
Good point Coraline.